
If you want to skip all of the chit chat my little bee, you can fly to the

bottom of the page straight away and look at how to book a tarot reading appointment.

A Modern Mystic on Galiano

Maggie started reading Tarot cards like many at age 14. Her grandmother had read tea leaves, and did fortune telling with simple playing cards. There were mediums in her family. [This side of the family came from Northern Ireland, and are called 'travellers' while they appear as gypsies but this is not a term used. They are thought to have originated in India, eons ago, before ending up in Ireland, and this would explain perhaps the strip of SE India DNA found in test results, for a blond blue eyed woman!]

Initially over the years Maggie honed her Tarot Card Reading intuitive skills by doing hundreds of readings. Now after advanced study, she combines her enhanced technical Tarot skills to her readings. Her other modalities such as Reiki, Energy Work, Crystals, Rune Stones, Astrology; Sound Therapy, Ceremony and Ritual are all combined in a variety of her unique Tarot Readings and Combination Packages.

Maggie is a Certified Tarot Reader and Advisor, CBTA, a graduate of the rigorous Biddy Tarot Certification Program. She is currently completing an advanced two year program with the Tarot Mysticism Academy.

"The past year of 2023 was a pretty busy one for me of manifesting, concentration on projects and creation. Like many I picked up my first deck of Tarot cards at 14. My Tarot card collection is pretty impressive! Through the years I read for myself, family and close friends. I decided to really concentrate on this intuitive gift and spent over a year of intense study and practicum, recently becoming Certified as a Tarot Reader/Advisor CBTA. It just seemed a perfect fit to offer all of my energy modalities in packages with Tarot Readings, and that is how the Enchanted Bee Tarot Cottage came to life! You will find me reading tarot for people in four places: 1. on an American Psychic Site; 2. on Biddy Tarot, an Australian based international site; 3. via Zoom from my webpage, and also 4. in person in my Tarot Rooms on Galiano Island.

In 2023 I was chosen for advance study in Tarot mysticism and divination with the Tarot Mysticism Academy. There I engaged in rather intensive study on Astrology; Kabbalah; Mastering the Thoth Egyptian Tarot; High and Low Magick; Esoteric Mysticism; and Divination. I just completed the program early in June, 2024. I am about to enter the Mastermind Program which will keep me busy for the next year.

I have made many sacrifices, and yet feel so blessed at the same time to do all of this. Sometimes you just have to take a risk, chase a star and live your dream. Watch for my Spellcasting With Tarot books being published on Amazon, starting in September, 2024."

You can book from three different Tarot reading packages with Maggie, or request an individualized package. Follow the automated booking process outlined at the very top of this page.

Two tarot reading rooms are available on Maggie's Enchanted Property. The Enchanted Bee Tarot Cottage, overlooking Maggie's bees where you can watch the bees from behind windows and breathe the bee air and vibration. [Warm season permitting but not in August - honey season]. Or you can have your reading away from the bees if you prefer in the Crystal Portal, a covered, open area garden room. Perfect, rain or shine. You can also book for a ZOOM appointment, email [email protected]

How to Book an In-Person Tarot Reading Using This Automated System

Please remember, this is on a small remote island location; Paradise but with iffy wifi. Thank you for using my island automated system for booking your tarot reading appointment. Follow the easy steps and it will take you less than five minutes:

Step 1: To choose a reading package, first scroll down to the bottom of this page to the three coloured tabs. If you click on each of these one at a time, you will find out all about each type of reading.

Step 2: You can check anytime for available appointments by clicking this link -

Step 3: Return to this webpage and purchase the package you would like. Again, click on the coloured tab for the package you would like and follow the prompts for purchase.

Step 4: You can book your own appointment by returning to Calendly and entering your appointment for the date and time you have chosen, by clicking this link again. Choose the "Two Hour" option as that covers all types of packages -

Once your appointment slot is entered by you, Calendly takes it off availability for that date and we both will receive several confirmation notifications.

OR you can email me if you are having any difficulty with wifi.

Please note a few things before booking - all in person tarot readings and packages are currently only available for female clients; all prices quoted are in USA dollars to accommodate international clients.

I choose to not do Tarot Readings for pregnant women. Also, all clients must be at/or over the age of 18 years. I have a 'no tipping' policy, people don't often understand this but it has to do with the karma of money exchange for psychic gifts [return clients often bring small tokens as gifts for the Crystal Portal reading room, and these are very much appreciated].

For any questions or to book a ZOOM appointment please email: [email protected] To conserve her energy, Maggie only does a few readings or sessions per week. She only reads for one person at at time.

Where is Enchanted Bee Tarot Located? How do I Get There?

Galiano Island is the Gateway to the Southern Gulf Islands - beautiful pristine islands off the coast of British Columbia, Canada. The closest island to Vancouver, we are easily accessible from the Canadian mainland, other local islands and the U.S.A. by ferry, boat or floatplane.

If you are sailing to the island, or taking a float plane, or staying at the Inn - I can pick you up and bring you to The Enchanted Bee Tarot for your reading experience and return you!

Please be advised. Tarot reading and divination are not to be used as a substitute for professional advice: medical, health and/or legal counsel and/or guidance. For entertainment purposes only.

Brought to you with love and light.

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